My Thoughts on Origami
Microsoft's Origami project has been generating a whole load of talk recently, and now that the details are known, I thought I'd give my opinions of it.
As far as I can tell, an origami or UMPC device is basically just a small tablet PC. It runs the full windows XP tablet edition OS (and Vista when it comes out) but on a much smaller device with a 7 inch screen!
While this is undoubtedly neat and quite impressive technologically to fit a full PC into such a small device, I can't really see myself ever having the need for one!
Currently, when I go anywhere, I take three things with me, my phone, wallet, and keys, all of which fit in my pockets! Microsoft and partners are pushing these devices as ultra mobile, but in order to carry one around you're gonna need a bag for it - They're just too big to fit in a pocket, and there lies the problem.
If you've got to take a bag anyway, why not just buy a full tablet PC? You'll then get better specs, a bigger screen, and a full keyboard! The cost of the UMPCs is not yet known, so this might be a factor, but you can get lots of tablet PCs for under a grand, so there may not be much in it!
Personally, I don't want to be carrying anything that wont fit in my pocket, so I'm looking to upgrade my phone to a more fully featured one, and don't plan on buying either a UMPC or a tablet PC any time soon!
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