Gerard's Thoughts

Monday, July 25, 2005

Fold n Drop - A new UI interaction method

This site proposes quite a neat way of dragging objects between overlapping windows, by folding the unwanted windows out of the way.

They also provide a simple Java demo to show how it would work!

I think this is a pretty good idea, and makes it much easier than the current approach of move your mouse down to the taskbar, hover over the required window for a few seconds, then move the mouse back up!

Who knows, maybe they'll be able to add this into Vista! (Nope, still think the name sounds strange!)

Edit: That site appears to be down for some reason, but if you have Windows XP, this page provides a program you can run to use this approach in your standard OS environment.
It's not polished enough to use permanently yet, but provides a good demonstration of the idea!


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